Monday, November 14, 2011

Jordan's Catch

[For School]

Jordan was part of a baseball team, and I think he was part of the best team.  Then he missed a ball and when he tried to catch it, I think it was the middle of the game.  After the game, his dad said he had two tickets to a big game, and then his mom said "don't worry, you'll catch the next one that comes to you."

At the big game, one of the players hit a home run, and it went so, so, so, so, so high, that it went all the way to the crowd.  Jordan caught it!

When they got home, his mom saw the highlights from the game.  She saw Jordan catching the ball.  I am done.

1 comment:

  1. That would be exciting to be on TV and have your Mom see you catch the ball!!
